Relationship 101: Coping Up With Grief In A More Efficient Way 

There is no right or wrong way of dealing with the loss of someone you love. The process of handling grief is different from every single person who has a painful experience. In fact, the process is not about coping with the loss but instead accepting the change that comes along with it.  It requires a lot of time due to the high amount of emotional involvement that needs attention. 


How Do You Handle Grief? 

You Have To Walk Through Your Pain. “The experience of losing someone we love is a process most everyone endures in a lifetime.” Annie Vaughn, MA, LMHC said. With that, you have to let yourself know the importance of your strength and capabilities in dealing with life in your personal way. You have to make sure that you understand the process of grief so you won’t consider it as a task that needs completion. Though there are stages that involve denial, anger, depression, and acceptance, grief doesn’t follow an order, and it happens unpredictably. You have to remember that it’s natural to have an uneven emotional dilemma because it will help you in dealing with the pain you are having.  




Finding Ways In Assessing Your Grief Is By Acknowledging That It Exists. You have to understand that grief is present in your life. From there, you can start to think about things that can make you happy. You can look for another set of hobbies, enroll in art classes, play musical instruments, or anything that keeps you away from feeling too much occupied by the heartache. You can hang out with people and talk to them about your situation and your plans. Finding reasons to stay active is a better way to keep you from thinking about your loss.  “Understand that grief comes in waves. It is natural to feel numb at times and “normal” at others. You might continue to grieve for months or years. It is okay.” Ashley Curiel, PsyD once said.

Do Not Let Grief Change Your Personality. The mourning process can give you time to think about the essential things that matter in your life. Though it is sometimes hard to get a hold of who you are once you are in a deep emotional turmoil, you have to appreciate your former self. You must not get influenced by the pain you are having and become someone you’re not supposed to be. You need to value your personality and use it as a tool for self-healing. Besides, it is only you that can work with your grief because no else is capable of doing that for you. 

You Need To Recognize The Connection Of Your Mind And Body. According to Eliza Chamblin, LCSW “Just like our feelings give us information about our needs, so do our bodies through physiological feedback,” Experiencing grief is a struggle, and you may sometimes forget facing daily routines because of the weakening parts of the process. You may encounter problems with showering, sleeping, eating, and socializing and you will soon neglect your physical health. In the end, all the damages will quickly affect your mental health, and it will cause a more severe problem that certainly has long-term consequences.  



Facing a life-changing event is unpredictably painful. However, the decision of taking care of yourself is something that your loved one would want. “We should examine the inextricable role that self-love plays in any and all human connection.”Clinical Psychologist and relationship expert Molly Gasbarrini, Ph.D. explains, Reach out for help if you think you can’t handle the situation. Do not result in committing self-inflicting harm just because you think you won’t be able to make it. In the end, you’ll realize that losing someone is a part of life that teaches you to become a better version of yourself.