Things You Should Know About Grief

Grief, we all felt it at some point in our lives. It’s that intense emotion that follows after a loved one dies. It’s a monstrous feeling that sucks the life out of you little by little every single day. In addition to that, grief can also trigger all of the negative emotions you haven’t felt for so long, making everything even harder than it already is. The pain is brutal, and the longer you stay bounded by its effects, the more you’ll spiral out of control. We all have an idea and a first-hand experience with grief, but do we really know what it is?




To help more people understand what grief is, we listed some of the most important things about it.  You may disagree or agree with some of them but one thing’s for sure, you have related to them at one point or another.

Grief Is Different For Everyone

According to Lindsay Henderson, Psy.D., “Each person’s experience of grief is unique, so it’s unlikely that any one individual’s experience will be the same as another’s.” A lot of people think that grief is the same for everyone, that’s wrong. We all deal with it differently, what works for you may not work for the other, that’s why it’s important to be understanding, respectful and sensitive when it comes to this matter.

Grief Is Totally Normal

It’s only natural for people to grieve after losing someone they love, and there’s unquestionably no need to be ashamed of it. Pretending that you’re fine when you’re not is entirely unnecessary. You must accept the fact that your emotions are there because you feel hurt. “Understand that grief comes in waves. It is natural to feel numb at times and “normal” at others. You might continue to grieve for months or years. It is okay.” Ashley Curiel, PsyD said.

Grief Has Physical Effects Too

Most people think that only the emotional and mental aspects of a person are affected by grief, and that is wrong. Grief has physical effects too. It includes changes in sleeping patterns, lack of energy, the feeling of disorientation, and many more. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re not making yourself vulnerable to diseases that can only cause more problems and unwanted issues.


Not everyone knows how to care for someone who is hurting, that’s why you should expect that you will make some people feel awkward and uneasy. It’s not your fault though. Some people just don’t know how to respond properly to situations like this one.




Grief Can Make You Feel Alone

Grief can trigger the most negative emotions imaginable, including loneliness.  As Erica Thompson, LMFT, LPCC notes, “Mental health struggles are real. They can be painful. You may feel alone. In some of the darkest times, you may feel like something is “wrong” with you to the core. ” This heavy feeling will stick and follow you around so much that even though you’re with the company of your loved ones you will still feel alone. Loneliness will make the entire grieving process a lot harder; the good news is that just like every other emotion you’re currently feeling, this one will also pass.

These five are just some of the many significant things you should know about grief. We hope we were able to give you some valuable information on just how serious this is. Grief is an intense emotion, and the wounds it will cause may take forever to heal, but if you have the will to help yourself and support from the people you love, you will be able to get through it.